How to Pack Your Collection

No matter what collectibles you're selling, there's a few important tips to keep your shipping costs down and protect your collection.

  • Use a sturdy box. Shipping companies are rough on boxes and we can't buy items that arrive broken.
  • Extra Space = Extra Cost. Use the smallest box you can get away with. For example a five pound 13x13x13 box would ship from FL to IL for $32.85. If you cut the box down to a 10x13x13 box, it would only cost $17.90.
  • Empty Space = Damage. Never ship a box with empty space. Use packing peanuts, bubble wrap, foam or the like to fill any open space.
  • We will not issue prepaid labels for boxes larger than 18x18x24 or heavier than 50 lbs. Oversize fees make shipping two boxes much less costly.

We are not responsible for items lost or damaged in shipping. Prepaid shipping labels do not include insurance. If you'd like to insure your order, you'll need to purchase your own labels and insurance.

Good news though! For many items we pay extra for self-shiped collections. Learn how it works here.

Stuffed Animals

Shipping labels are our biggest expense and shipping oversized or extra boxes increases the cost dramatically. For this reason, we are strict about box sizes and will not issue more labels than necessary to ship your collection. You're not required to use the boxes linked below, however if your box is bigger than our guidelines, you'll need to repack it before we can issue a prepaid label.

For my fellow math nerds, we calculate this based on 33 cubic inches per Beanie Baby :)

  • 140-160 Beanie Babies we recommend the 18x18x16 Lowes Heavy Duty Medium Box.
  • 120-140 Beanie Babies, we recommend the 19x14x17 Walmart Medium Box.
  • 80-120 Beanie Babies, we recommend the 16x16x16 Boxes available at UPS stores. For orders of 80-100 you'll need to cut the box down to a 16x16x14 box.
  • 60-80 Beanie Babies, we recommend the 17x11x13 Walmart Small Box.
  • 45-60 Beanie Babies, we recommend the 15x10x12 Lowes X-Small Box.
  • Since we all love online shopping, boxes for less than 45 Beanies are probably already in your home :)
How to pack Beanie Babies
  • Beanie Babies are pretty easy to pack and don't require padding.
  • If your Beanie Babies are stored in plastic containers or ziploc bags, they need to be taken out before shipping.
  • Tag protectors can be left on.
  • We recommend putting your Beanie Babies in a clean, unscented garbage bag and then packing it in a sturdy box. The garbage bag will help protect your beanies if the box comes open in shipping.
  • For individually priced orders, you'll qualify for 1 label if your total is $35+. Qualifying for multiple labels requires that you pack 18x18x16 boxes with 140-160 Beanies per box. (If you place multiple small orders, we'll need you to combine them even if each order is over $35.)
  • For Bulk orders, we issue 1 label per 150 Beanie Babies.
How to pack Buddies/ Classics / Baby Ty
  • Buddies and similar sized items are simple to pack and don't require padding.
  • If your Ty collection is stored in plastic containers or ziploc bags, items need to be taken out before shipping.
  • Tag protectors can be left on.
  • We recommend putting your collection in a clean, unscented garbage bag and then packing into a sturdy box. The garbage bag will help protect your beanies if the box comes open in shipping.
  • For large collections we recommend a 18x18x24 inch box. Lowes & Home Depot medium shipping boxes work well for these.
Disney Store Plush

Stuffed animals are simple to pack and don't require padding. We reccomend putting your Disney pieces in a clean, unscented garbage bag and then packing into a sturdy box. The garbage bag will help protect your collection if the box comes open in shipping.

If you have a large collection, we recommend a 18x18x16 box. This size should hold 100-120 Disney pieces.


How to Pack Barbies
  • We reccomend shipping Barbies in a 18x18x24 box. Many customers ship in Lowes or Home Depot Moving boxes.
  • Most Barbies are non mint. (See our condition requirements here.) If you believe your dolls are mint, or if you have an expensive doll, wrap each doll in a thin sheet of bubble wrap to prevent scratches.
  • Pack carefully, and use additional bubble wrap to avoid dented or crushed boxes.
  • Mark all sides of the box "Fragile."
Qualifying for Prepaid Labels

Barbies are different than most items in our store in that there's two ways to qualify for free shipping:

  • Add $35+ worth of items to your cart. (Just like the rest of our site.)
  • Sell at least 10 full sized Barbies. If you don’t reach $35, but you have at least 10 Barbies inside the box (excluding smaller dolls like Kelly dolls) you qualify for a pre-paid label.

Waterford, Lalique, Baccarat & Swarovski


Waterford Crystal is very fragile and must be packed with great care.

  • If available it's always best to ship items in their original boxes. This offers the best protection.
  • If shipping without original boxes, every piece should be wrapped in bubble wrap.
  • Consider placing several pieces inside a smaller box, then several smaller boxes inside the final shipping box.
  • All items should have at least 2 inches of padding between the item and the edge of the box.
  • Place heavy items at the bottom of the box.
  • Label all sides of the box "Fragile."
  • We're not responsible for items broken or lost in transit. Consider using our self-ship option and purchasing insurance on your shipment.
Lalique & Baccarat

Lalique and Baccarat Crystal can easily break in transit. Take extra care in packing your box.

  • If available it's always best to ship items in their original boxes. This offers the best protection.
  • If shipping without original boxes, every piece should be wrapped in bubble wrap.
  • For expensive items, consider puttine each item in its own smaller box then placing those smaller boxes into the larger shipping box.
  • For less expensive pieces, consider placing several pieces inside a smaller box, then several smaller boxes inside the final shipping box.
  • All items should have at least 2 inches of padding between the item and the edge of the box.
  • Place heavy items at the bottom of the box.
  • Label all sides of the box "Fragile."
  • We're not responsible for items broken or lost in transit. Consider using our self-ship option and purchasing insurance on your shipment.

Swarovski Crystal can easily break in transit. Take extra care in packing your box.

  • If available it's always best to ship items in their original boxes. This offers the best protection.
  • If shipping without original boxes, every piece should be wrapped in bubble wrap.
  • For delicate items (think ears on bunnies, fins on fish etc.), create extra padding by forming tissue paper into a pouf. Use this to protect delicate parts, then wrap the whole figurine in bubble wrap.
  • Consider placing several pieces inside a smaller box, then several smaller boxes inside the final shipping box.
  • All items should have at least 2 inches of padding between the item and the edge of the box.
  • Place heavy items and items in original boxes in the bottom of the box.
  • Label all sides of the box "Fragile."
  • We're not responsible for items broken or lost in transit. Consider using our self-ship option and purchasing insurance on your shipment.

Lladró & Nao

Before packing your box
  • Many Lladró figurines have been repaired. Closely inspect for repaired cracks and glue residue. Do not ship repaired items. We cannot buy them.
  • Inspect all flowers closely. While these are stunning to look at, they also break easily. Do not send any Lladró with chipped or missing flower petals.
Lladró that should not be shipped
  • Pieces with lots of flowers and no original boxes (or boxes with straw filling) usually arrive damaged. In these cases, we reccomend dropping off your collection instead of shipping it.
  • Lladró has made some very large pieces. It may not be wise to ship some of these. If your Lladró will not safely fit in a 18x18x24 inch box, contact us before shipping, or drop off your collection.
How to pack a Lladró or Nao collection

These porcelain figurines can easily break in transit. Take extra care in packing your box.

  • If available it's always best to ship items in their original boxes. This offers the best protection.
  • If shipping without original boxes, every piece should be wrapped in bubble wrap.
  • For delicate items (think flowers, fingers, extended arms/lets etc.) Create extra padding by forming tissue paper into a pouf. Use this to protect delicate parts, then wrap the whole figurine in bubble wrap.
  • For expensive items, consider putting each item in its own smaller box then placing those smaller boxes into the larger shipping box.
  • For less expensice pieces, consider placing several pieces inside a smaller box, then several smaller boxes inside the final shipping box.
  • All items should have at least 2 inches of padding between the item and the edge of the box.
  • Place heavy items at the bottom of the box.
  • Label all sides of the box "Fragile"
  • We're not responsible for items broken or lost in transit. Consider using our self-ship option and purchasing insurance on your shipment.

Department 56 & Hallmark Ornaments

How to pack Department 56
  • We only purchase Department 56 pieces in their original boxes. These boxes do a good job of protecting your collection.
  • Remember to fill any empty space with packing peanuts or something similar.
  • Due to high shipping costs, low resale values, and the large size of Department 56 pieces, it can be difficult to qualify for prepaid shipping labels. The good news is we pay extra for self shipped Department 5. Click here to learn about our self-ship option.
How to pack Hallmark Ornaments

Hallmark ornaments are simple to pack, though it can be a game of Tetris. Remember these important guidelines:

  • Use the smallest box you can get away with. Cut the box down if its too large.
  • Do not ship a box larger than 18x18x24.
  • Fill any empty space to avoid your collection shifting and breaking in transit. Use packing peanuts, bubble wrap, newspaper or something similar.